We can notice we have two major words, which are “POWER” and “PLANNING”… so let’s know there meanings- POWER is ability to effect change. The Greek word for power is “DUNAMIS”. PLAN(NING) is something that you intend to do or achieve OR a set of things to do in order to achieve something, especially one that has been considered in detail in advance. Thus it is a step by step move to change.
THE POWER OF PLANING is the ability to change from one level to another through positive planning. Planning is non- transferable responsibility thus everyone has to set out time for planning each day. Anywhere you see order it is a sign of good planning. NOTE: “Before you do anything you must first do something, which is planning”. Planning didn’t start with man but God which is evident in the creation story. Everything God created were carefully planned in sequence (Genesis chapter 1).That is to show you how powerful planning is. God honours everyone that plans as seen in the life of the following… (NOAH planned before building the ARK; MOSES planned before building the tabernacle; SOLOMON planned before building the temple, JOSEPH planned against the famine that they should have savings in time of plenty….All this men of valour did great because of planning. If you don’t plan now for your tomorrow you are likened to the five foolish virgins that didn’t plan. I will like us to know the keys to effective planning briefly… KEYS TO EFFECTIVE PLANNING
 (1) REASONING: God gave us mind to reason (Isaiah 1:18) come let us reason together. The prodigal son reasoned ( Lk 15:17)..Joseph reasoned to store food for seven years against famine. Excellence is a product of good planning. Your greatness is tired to your planning. Research have it that 80% 0f what you need for greatness is on PLANNING. Reasoning is the birth place of planning thus actions without planning is the cause of every failure. The difference of Poverty and Riches, Joy and Sadness is in reasoning.

ALSO READ : The important of struggling

 (2)SET OUT TIME TO PLAN: Quality time and attention is very vital to planning. It’s better to take years planning than rush into things and is more disastrous if no time is giving at all to planning. Any plan not written down is not a plan. Write down the vision (HAG. 2:2), make it plain. You can get money wasted but you can’t get time wasted, so use your time well now. Set out time to come out of your challenges and problem through PLANNING. NOTE: Never wake up each day without having time allocated to events. Time is the currency of life. It is necessary tool for planning. Every good planner values time. Every plan must have a time frame.
(3) SET YOUR PRIORITIES: You must differentiate PRIORITY from POSTERITY. PRIORITY: Goals, what comes first etc. POSTERITY: Something you keep for the later. To set your priorities- put your time, energy and resources into things that are of necessity (priority) to you. THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT SETTING YOUR PRIORITIES (a) Something that must be done. (Eg) Quest for knowledge (b) Something big you should do. (Eg) Getting facts about what you want to do. (c) Things that are nice to do. (Eg) What comes first in that you have picked. (d) Things that you must discontinue. (Eg) Bad habit, Bad friends, laziness etc.
(4) ACQUIRE KNOWLEDGE: In your field of endeavour seek for knowledge. Money does not solve poverty problem but knowledge can stop it. In life you are either getting better with knowledge or getting worse with ignorance. Even Daniel understood by books (Daniel 9:2).You must enlighten yourself. Knowledge is not all about going to school but working on yourself daily for maximum productivity. Self development is key in enhancing good planning. Wealth is man's capacity to think. Sit down and think, Time lost cannot be regained. THE POWER OF PLANNING is vital for maximum, lasting and future productivity. Plan your tomorrow now. You can plan your marriage, family, empire, outreaches, Heaven etc now. Just plan it, get God involve, start it and be committed to it. Then watch it become a reality. You can do it...Yes! you can...Just sit down and plan it.

written by (Nzeocha Chidozie)
Lyons Word


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