We can notice we have two major words, which are “POWER” and “PLANNING”… so let’s know there meanings- POWER is ability to effect change. The Greek word for power is “DUNAMIS”. PLAN(NING) is something that you intend to do or achieve OR a set of things to do in order to achieve something, especially one that has been considered in detail in advance. Thus it is a step by step move to change. THE POWER OF PLANING is the ability to change from one level to another through positive planning. Planning is non- transferable responsibility thus everyone has to set out time for planning each day. Anywhere you see order it is a sign of good planning. NOTE: “Before you do anything you must first do something, which is planning”. Planning didn’t start with man but God which is evident in the creation story. Everything God created were carefully planned in sequence (Genesis chapter 1).That is to show you how powerful planning is. God honours everyone that plans as seen in the life of the foll...