How to know an African gay man

If He Does Any Of These things  He Is Definitely Gay!

White famly

Boy : Mum I'm gay 
His mum : aww Jimmy come here , what took you so long ? we have always known you were different and we accept you the way you are. I love you jimmy.

African Family 
Johnbull : Mama I am gay 
His mum: 

Johnbull : Mama why are you laughing ? do you mean you always knew ? *smiling 

His mum : 

Well I don't have to tell you that johnbull is dead , or  six foot underground, you know how it goes down in the african family. Merely thinking about how much trouble this fictional character is in,already gives me goose bumps, chai...

Being a gay male in an african home is the fastest and most effective way to kill your parents.  Let me begin by saying this, I have nothing against the LGBT community. Yes I am christian but who am I to judge ?. This is to say that, I write this with so much light heartedness.  Today I will be giving you some hidden signs of african gay men, we can call this lesson 102. So seat back, put on your seatbelt and enjoy this ride with me. 

1. He cannot use public toilets, he would rather hold it in until he gets home. I mean who can refuse to succumb to the force of nature like that ? 

2. He loves to chew gum. You find packs of gum in his car, wallet andtrousers. He can chew gum for longer than 7 minutes and can even blow bubbles. He is point blank gay.

3. He is extra careful with his skin, there are no scars from childhood misbehavour, his skin is very soft too. If he has fresher skin than you do , girl that n*gga gay.

4. He cannot share his towel,underpants,deodorant , etc.

5. He always drops the toilet seat after using the toilet , straight men don't do that sh*t. 

6. He has a big daddy, God father, pet father, Big uncle. I am sure that is how our queen mother, bobrisky and his bae started. If he calls him any of those names but he is not related to him and his family doesn't know the so-called uncle? That guy is being bent over on all fours (inside joke).

7. He ties his towel on his chest and his sponge around his waist after taking a shower. 

8. He must  rests one of his legs on the bed/stool when applying body lotion. 

9. He either threads his brows, of carves two strokes across them. 

10. He cannot eat swallow ; eba, amala, fufu,semo, akpu, starch, poundo without a fork. das gay , oh so very gay!

11. He cannot fight. If a guy slaps you , instead of him to slap him back he'd be busy fanatsizing about him. He would say something like this after 5 minutes, " joanne don't sweat it, he isn't worth it". HAHAHAHAHA and by the way you better listen to him if not you are going to catch a serious ass whooping. 

12. He listens to frank ocean and young thug , I'm not even going to stay nothing....

13. He went to an all-boys boarding school but has no male friends. If he went to Lumen christi uromi ,Presbetaryian boys school Accra,  Federal government college , kings college lagos, he is a suspect. 1 out of 5 alumini's  of these schools is gay.

14. He runs when crossing the road .. I just can't!

15. He does not get angry when you playfully spank his behind . Rather he looks at you like...... aww baby you are so childish..

15. He is scared of everyday animals and insects. I.e cats, dogs, rats and cocokroaches. He pays little children to come chase out the rat ( I have met someone like this), he screams like a b*tch and calls on you to come kill a cockroach .

16. He has big ass and samples it subtly but unapologetically. If he tucks in his polo shirt in his jeans , he is gay. He is trying to create the impression of a firm bootyyyy! know what i'm sayinnnn ? 

17. He is a fancy stepper , I mean if he can whine and wiggle better than you he is gay. 

18. He has perfectly cut and pedicured toe nails . Straight guys rarely pay attention to things like that , they do it but it is not a necessity or a ritual for them. 

19. He likes sharing drinks  or spoons with other men. He uses a straw when he drinks and his favourite soft drink is fanta or mirinda. Straight men drink pepsi ,coke and agbo. 

20. He has numerous photo enhancing  apps on his phone. Editor general!

21. He supports Man. United or Arsenal. And yes  

Pop question : If your only son told you he was gay and was infact on the recieving end what would be your reaction ? Pick a number and let me know in the comments section below. 

 This article was written for the purpose of exposing all the "caitlyn jenners and "bob riskys" still hidding in the closet.

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